Monday, December 06, 2010

Help Out - RHoK #2 Bangalore

On this weekend(4-5th Dec,2010) I have attended the Random Hack Of Kindness event. Our Team Help Out won the second prize..

What is Help Out:

Revolutionizing social-networking for social causes.

Help Out is an approach to form a bridge between the people who wants to help and the people who need help. Help Out will have a dedicated website where users can register themselves as a helping hand and also search for a helping hand. We will integrate this with Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter , Google Buzz and Location based services like Foursquare.

The main Features are:

  1. . NGO's and any volunteer can register themselves as a Helping hand and mention their operating Location & area of interests.
  2. . Users can search by location and category to find out a helping hand. The Website will search the helping hand and provide their contacts.
  3. . Helping hands would be able to create, engage and manage social EVENTs.
  4. . Users also can create an EVENT seeking help.

As a prototype we started with a facebook app( It is in not ready yet for public view).

Slides of our Presentation:

Video of our Presentation:

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